Candy Apples Cathy Nesbitt-Stein Explains Departure From Dance Moms…Hopes To Reappear Season Six!

Admit it…you’ve been wondering where Candy Apples Cathy went on the second half of what had to be the longest season of Dance MomsAbby Lee Miller’s nemesis was there one episode, and the next she was gone, sending Jeanette to lead her dancers. So what happened? Where in the world is Cathy Nesbitt-Stein
While pettiness and meltdowns and ugliness unfolded on the fifth season of Dance Moms, the reason for Cathy’s absence is anything but dramatic. She claims she was simply too busy with her actual studio to participate, especially with the show relocating to Los Angeles. Of course, we all know she loves to rile up Abby, so I’m guessing she’s not gone for good…and Cathy admits that she’d love to be a part of season 6. A sixth season. I knew it was happening, but it’s like a punch in the stomach every time I’m reminded of it!

Speaking to the International Business Times, Cathy explains her mid-season departure. She says, “It was a very busy time for my studio. I had to explain to them that, you know, I also have a business and don’t feel comfortable leaving my clientele with no one when I’m the one that producers the whole entire show. That’s why you don’t see me the whole back half,” continuing, “I had to send on somebody that was able to lead the troops. There’s not a whole lot I can do when I’m not there and I’m not in LA and Jeanette was definitely a dance teacher, so she stepped up. And I know that some of the moms weren’t happy with her there because they’re very fond of me, but production had to do what they had to do.”

She also expresses her desire to return if she can film closer to home. Cathy tells the site, “I would love, love, love to come back to the show. I absolutely enjoy doing it. If they could do something that they could come back here I would definitely be very interested participating with them.”
If producers are able to meet that request, Cathy also hopes to showcase her choreography skills instead of bringing in guest choreographers for her students, a move she blames on time and a very busy schedule. Cathy admits, “Because of the time frame of the show, when they were filming in Ohio, they would typically come from 10 [a.m.] to 3 [p.m.] and then I would work at the studio from 4 to 9 [p.m.]. You’re seeing the girls learn their dance, but they’re not learning it or cleaning it up in its entirety. There’s a lot of behind the scenes rehearsal and I could not do that late at night.”
Cathy adds, “We weren’t winning because these guest choreographers were brilliant, but they didn’t understand competition. It wasn’t until my sister-in-law and I said, ‘screw this, we’re doing our won choreography,’ we won… If I came back, and things worked out, I would definitely ask that we continue on doing on our choreography.”
Of her team’s success, Cathy shares, “My studio is doing very well. We put on a beautiful, huge recital and we went to nationals and unlike what you see on TV with our troops struggling, we won grand nationals. Ironically, Vivi was in several of the numbers that were in the best of the best and she happened to be in the number that won the grand national prize.”
Speaking of Vivi-AnneCathy reveals that her daughter is working on a secret project that she knows fans will love, teasing, “We’re excited to get moving on it. I think that the fans have recognized that she has a very dry, funny sense of humor. There were a lot of funny things that occurred, that obviously can’t get into an hour show, that end up on the editing floor. She’s very funny and very quirky and most times you wouldn’t believe it because she’s so quiet… I think this project is really going to open up Vivi’s personality to her fans.”
Asked if she’s poised and ready to take the crown away entirely from Abbyand be the show’s star, Cathy gushes, “Oh my gosh, in a heartbeat. If that’s the direction that they wanted to go because then I know they have to film in Ohio. I don’t know that Abby would let that happen, though.”
Yeah, that’s never going to happen! It’s funny–when I read what Cathy has to say, I can almost forget her shrill shrieking and pot stirring on Dance Moms. Almost.
[Photo Credit: Instagram]